As a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all financial gifts to One Planet United are tax deductible. Your financial contribution and volunteer efforts are crucial to One Planet Uniteds ability to fulfill its mission and vision. One Planet United is seeking support from concerned individuals and families and community-minded corporations and foundations to help bring healing to the harmful effects of all forms of prejudice in our society.

Thank you for your support!

Why Give To One Planet United?

Your gift to One Planet United provides the financial means for us to spread the message of unity and understanding among all people. Through our programs, projects and resources, we are continuing to promote education, awareness and a higher consciousness as to the great need to end or reduce prejudice, division and intolerance of any kind in our world. Your gifts help us to work toward this goal.
How Are My Donations Used?

Our goal is to provide all of our program templates and literature at no cost to individuals, community centers, schools, religious institutions and corporations that wish to promote OPU programs. We also will be providing public service announcements in print, radio and TV to many media outlets to keep the message constant and in front of people. Additionally it is our desire to be able to provide many of our resources (books, tee-shirts, bumper stickers etc.) to schools and community outlets at minimal cost or in many areas, at no charge.
Our general operating costs of new program development, office staff, graphic design, website maintenance, shipping costs and supplies etc. are all part of keeping One Planet operating.

Your donations are used with the highest integrity. 100% of your gifts will be used to further the mission of One Planet United in your community as well as the whole world.

One Planet Uniteds mission statement is: To seek to bring unity and understanding to ALLl people through experiential and educational programs, projects and resources. We are devoted to bring about the elimination of prejudice, intolerance and division, one community at a time.

There are a number of different ways in which you can contribute to One Planet United.
To make a tax deductible donation you can:

  • Contribute online
    To make a secure online contribution to One Planet United, click the button below.

  • Contribute by phone
    Make a credit card contribution by phone.
    Contact us to make your donation.
  • Contribute by mail
    Send in a gift through U.S. mail.
    Click here to download and Print Mail-in Donation Form
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